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FM Foundation
FM Foundation

Graduation Ceremony in India

In Pune, Jean-Christophe Machet, Chairman of the FM Foundation, presents diplomas to the beneficiaries of the NGO Work For Equality.

On June 27, 2024

The project

Nai Asha – Nai Disha, which means New Hope – New Direction, is the name of the project run by our partner Work For Equality. The aim of Nai Asha – Nai Disha is to provide education for young people from marginalised communities. Forced to leave school for a variety of reasons, the teenagers are able to join the programme and obtain a diploma equivalent to a baccalaureate. FM Foundation helps to finance the centre where these students are housed, thus providing them with a place to study that will help them to succeed at school. At the same time, FM Logistic employees share their skills and knowledge in areas such as logistics, IT, communication and English, for example.

Our partner

Work for Equality is an NGO founded in 2012. Its mission is to strengthen the capacities of marginalised communities in India, in particular the leadership of young girls aged between 17 and 24. Through quality education, these girls will be able to gain access to a state-recognised diploma and thus aspire to integrate into society with a good educational, social and economic status. A partner of the FM Foundation since 2023, 19 graduates can have access to a better future full of possibilities.

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