Interested in FMCG ?
Want to find out how FM Logistic can help you meet the challenges of FMCG industry? Contact us and we will find the right solutions for you!
A fully digitalized end to end solution
GRO24/7 is a unicorn MarketPlace developed by and for +50 industrials.
A dedicated B2B ecommerce platform with direct sourcing from FMCG brands, targeting to extend FMCG sales to 2nd tier traditional shops, potentially expanding into Convenient stores and HORECA channels.
GRO24/7 is opened in 7 Asian countries.
A fully digitalized end to end solution including Warehousing, Fulfilment and Urban Distribution:
Agility to handle business demands :
A daily semi-automated KPI Dashboard
Full visibility on the activity to allow a sharper management of GRO24/7 supply chain:
95%-100% orders delivered in the next day
All business flows digitized for a total reliability and scalability of the volumes
A strict FEFO policy and inventory accuracy for full quality and efficiency
cartons IN / OUT per day
Pieces out per day
orders / day
3 provinces in South
delivery points
Want to find out how FM Logistic can help you meet the challenges of FMCG industry? Contact us and we will find the right solutions for you!
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