
FM Logistic wins the Top Logistics Europe CSR Award

for its ambitious strategies for sustainable logistics.

On July 3, 2023

29 June 2023 – A core feature of the company’s Supply Change movement, FM Logistic’s entire CSR strategy, launched in 2018, has won the prize in the Logistics and Transport Service Provider category at the Top Logistics Europe CSR Awards 2023. The award recognises the extremely proactive roadmap adopted by the Group’s management, which aims to take care of FM Logistic’s employees, reduce its environmental impact and work with clients to co-construct a sustainable supply chain. Over the course of five years, the strategy has allowed the Group to successfully carry out a number of projects with a direct impact on business, on its clients’ carbon footprints and on society. To continue to build a more sustainable logistics ecosystem, FM Logistic has enhanced its Sustainability and QHSE department.

A Prizewinning Strategy at the Top Logistics Europe CSR Awards 2023

This ambitious and innovative strategy was presented at the Top Logistics Europe CSR Awards 2023 on the 28th of June, taking home the prize in the “Logistics and Transport Service Provider” category. The event brought together logistics and supply chain decision-makers and was organised in partnership with Sprint Project and Supply Chain Village. The award aims to recognise the best practical measures and CSR strategies in three different categories. In this competition, FM Logistic highlighted its strategies for the environment by putting forward three main lines of action: ensuring employee well-being, achieving carbon neutrality, and increasing supply chain sustainability. 

“We are thrilled to have received this award, which recognises the work of our teams in devising the Group’s CSR strategy but most importantly in carrying it out: we always strive to turn our commitments into action, quickly and efficiently. We firmly believe that, in the logistics industry, it is impossible to act alone and that sustainable development in logistics can only be achieved by addressing both social and environmental aspects, as they feed into one another,” said Yannick Buisson, Managing Director for France, Spain & Central Europe at FM Logistic, attending the event to receive the award.

A Plan for 2030: a Key Part of the Company’s Supply Change Strategy 

Created in 2018 and enhanced in 2023, the strategy devised by FM Logistic puts the consumer at its heart, at a time when consumption patterns are changing dramatically. In five years, the plan has allowed the Group to carry out many projects that have had a direct impact on its business. FM Logistic, in the top 1% in the logistics sector in terms of its EcoVadis rating, has designed a wide-ranging plan to reduce everyday strain on its employees (125 ergoskeletons deployed, 1,600 virtual reality health and safety training courses, 11 disability-friendly companies) but also to increase its platforms’ ecodesign and optimise energy management, in order to run logistics sites with a low energy use (16 warehouses LEED or HQE certified for their high-quality environmental standards; in France, a 41% decrease in CO2 emissions and a 25% decrease in energy consumption, in absolute values).

The Group’s strategy is part of FM Logistic’s plan to support its clients by co-designing roadmaps to reduce the impact of supply chains. This plan has been successful, with 81% of clients believing that this has improved their own CSR strategy.

To reach its goals in terms of sustainable logistics, FM Logistic has also put in place a new organisational strategy, by appointing Pénélope Laigo, former Sustainability and QHSE Director in France, to the role of Group Sustainability & QHSE Director. Her former responsibilities have been taken over by Audrey Thum, who now holds the position of Sustainability and QHSE Director for FM Logistic France, also acting on the executive committee for the company in France.

“Over the course of five years at FM Logistic, I have been part of the Group’s efforts to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030. I am proud to be able to continue to use my skills and expertise to help the Group meet its ambitious goals. We have already achieved great things in France and worldwide. I strongly believe that by continuing to move forward with our many initiatives, we can create lasting change in supply chains”, states Pénélope Laigo.

“In 2023, we revised our CSR strategy, creating new goals to be met by 2030. This is an even more ambitious continuation of our previous policy, focusing on our employees’ well-being, our impact on the environment and our clients’ needs, which are still at the very heart of our concerns,” adds Yannick Buisson.

About FM Logistic

FM Logistic’s goal is to promote the transition to sustainable omnichannel supply chains. Incorporated in 1967, this family-owned company is one of the main logistics players in France and worldwide, generating a turnover of €1.4 billion. FM Logistic delivers its expertise in consumer product logistics to major manufacturers, distributors and e-commerce companies. Its services span all stages of the supply chain: domestic and international transport, warehousing and inventory management, fulfilment and dispatch of e-commerce and store orders, co-packing, and control tower services. The company aims to achieve carbon neutrality for its warehousing activities by 2030 and is ranked among the best employers in the industry, as testified by its Top Employers France certification, awarded for the 8th year running, as well as by its ranking by Forbes and Capital magazines. The Group employs over 27,200 people in 14 countries across Europe, Asia and Latin America.

For more information, please visit  our website  and our LinkedIn and Twitter accounts.

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Ogilvy Paris 

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