
For the 4th year in a row, FM Logistic is in the top 4 of companies offering the best candidate experience.

On the 27th of June, Speak & Act published its ranking of companies that offer the best candidate experience.

On July 9, 2024

For the fourth year in a row, FM Logistic has been awarded 4th place in Speak & Act’s Best Candidate Experience – Happiness Barometer 2024 among more than 200 companies evaluated.

An anonymous survey conducted on the corporate level, including recently hired employees and candidates who applied for our openings in the past few months, evaluated the candidate experience at FM Logistic based on criteria such as:

  • Quality of the recruitment process (96% positive feedback)
  • Clarity of the job description and missions (95% positive feedback)
  • Willingness to join the company, following the interview (85% positive feedback)

Our average score from this survey, 4.48/5  placed us 4th in the ranking, amongst all other companies, all sizes and sectors included.

👉 Find out more by consulting Speak & Act’s website. 

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